Category: Repertoire

  • A dozen hymns for the Season of Creation on the theme ‘Listen to the voice of creation’

    The Season of Creation runs from 1st September to 4th October. The theme for 2022 is ‘Listen to the voice of creation’. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many have become familiar with the concept of being muted in conversations. Many voices are muted in public discourse around climate change and the ethics of Earth-keeping. These are…

  • Music for a time of national mourning and services for the Queen

    Many of us will be looking to mark the death of the Queen by a special service of by prayers and hymns durning Mass. The Church of England has published a short list of suitable music but obviously it does not include hymns that are specifically Catholic. This list contains mainly hymns that are in…

  • Music for the season of creation

    The season of creation runs from 1st September to 4th October. This is a world-wide, ecumenical event which is intended to give thanks for God’s creation and to raise awareness of the issues that humankind is causing the future of creation. Being ecumenical means that often suggested music is unfamiliar to Catholics and, in many…

  • Settings of the Magnificat

    With the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary upon us I thought it might be a good idea to look at some settings of the Magnificat. Unlike most Marian hymns, the Magnificat is a reasonable choice for use at Mass, not least because it is rooted in scripture. In particular, the Gospel…

  • Settings of the Gloria

    The Gloria is by nature a festive hymn and is normally sung entirely, or in part, by the people. The text of this hymn may not be replaced by another text. Celebrating the Mass CBCEW As a starting point for singing the Gloria I would recommend the Gloria from the Psallite Mass by the Collegeville…

  • The Communion Song – why is the liturgy planner suggesting a Lamb of God?

    In the liturgy planner suggestions for Corpus Christi you will find suggestions such as: Agnus Dei Gathering Mass Communion song 3 Jesus Lamb of God For many of us, we will, in the past, have sung these pieces as a ‘Lamb of God’. However, since the Roman Missal was revised it is no longer permissible…

  • Eucharistic Acclamations – new settings

    Unlike the previous selection, these settings were all composed for the new texts. I have used all of these settings at some point and have no hesitation in recommending them. The people take part in the Eucharistic Prayer by listening attentively to the words sung or spoken by the priest and joining their hearts and…

  • Eucharistic Acclamations – Revised settings

    These are all settings that were rewritten for the new texts. Note: I have used all of these settings in one form or another and have no hesitation in recommending them. For settings written for the new texts see here. “The Eucharistic Prayer demands that all listen to it with reverence and in silence,” giving…

  • Pentecost Sequence

    The Pentecost sequence, Veni Sancte Spiritus, is one of only two sequences that must be used. The other is the sequence for Easter morning. Read this article by an Australian liturgist for some background information. Here are some suggestions for singing this sequence. Holy Spirit Lord of Light – tr. Edward Caswall Metrical version so…

  • Gospel Acclamations in the hymn books

    These are a selection of the possible Gospel Acclamations in Celebration for Everyone and Laudate. I have used all of them at some time. CFE#410 L#710 Celtic Alleluia This one needs no introduction from me. We usually find that people know it so well they join in straight away. CFE#413 L#539 Taizé Alleluia 7 Probably…

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