Category: Repertoire

  • A dozen hymns for the Easter season

    This list of twelve songs that are suitable for use during the whole of the season of Easter and are largely drawn from independent sources. For a list of hymns that may be found in the hymn books please click here. Alleluia alleluia let the holy anthem rise – Timothy Smith A jazzy interpretation of…

  • What could we have sung instead of ‘Lay your hands gently upon us’?

    Sunday 4th February 2024 was the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. The Gospel was the healing of Simon’s Mother-in law and the response to the psalm was ‘Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted. This followed the reading from the previous week where Jesus sent unclean spirits out of a man. It will…

  • A dozen hymns for the Season of Creation 2023 on the theme ‘Let justice and mercy flow’

    The Season of Creation runs from 1st September, the day of care for creation to 4th October, the feast of St Francis of Assisi. The theme for 2023 is ‘Let justice and peace flow’ and the logo is a flowing river. “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” Amos…

  • Song settings of the psalms for the Easter vigil

    After the 1st reading – Psalm 103/4 Send forth your spirit This version includes all the verses for the vigil. A descant for the refrain and solo instrument parts are also included. The choral version has SATB for the refrain. From OCP. With verses set for a cantor, this setting has all the verses for…

  • 25 more hymns for Lent (and a bonus)

    Here are twenty-five more hymns that can be used throughout the season of Lent. Most of these are not in the hymn books but the sources are given below. For a list of 25 hymns mainly from the hymn books click here. Title Composer Publisher Comments 40 Days Matt Maher OCP A contemporary up-tempo piece;…

  • Twenty-five hymns for Lent

    There are many Lenten hymns, from some that are very old to others that have been written in the last few years. The hymns included below are mostly suitable for use throughout the season of Lent. They can be found either in one, or both, of the two main hymn books in use in England…

  • Music for Christmas Masses

    In this post, I talked about the options that are available regarding readings for Christmas Masses. Christmas can be a strange time for music in churches. For a start, there are four Masses which can be used over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, depending on the time. If you have an older personal missal they…

  • Christmas Glorias

    The Gloria or Glory to God is one the most important things we should be singing at Mass. This is especially true at Christmas time. The Gloria is the song of the angels. The song that was sung to the shepherds in the fields around Bethlehem to announce the birth of the Saviour. However, we…

  • Christmas common psalms

    As I have said before, in order to facilitate the singing of the responsorial psalm, the Church makes available common psalms and common responses that may take the place of the psalm of the day. The Lectionary gives psalm 97(98) as the common psalm for the Christmas season. This is the actual psalm for the…

  • Music for the season of Advent

    Each of the four Sundays of Advent has its own particular character. In addition, the readings are different in each Sunday of the three-year cycle. But there are a lot of hymns that are appropriate for use at any time during the season of Advent. Many of these have been written with a common refrain…

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