Category: Liturgical musings

  • What could we have sung instead of ‘Lay your hands gently upon us’?

    Sunday 4th February 2024 was the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. The Gospel was the healing of Simon’s Mother-in law and the response to the psalm was ‘Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted. This followed the reading from the previous week where Jesus sent unclean spirits out of a man. It will…

  • What time is Midnight Mass?

    I’m sure there cannot be a Parish Priest anywhere who has been in ministry for more than a few years who has not experienced this query at least once. And while, on the face of it, it seems to be a daft question, maybe it isn’t as silly as it first sounds. I wonder how…

  • What did we sing … on the feast of Christ the King, Year C?

    My goodness, it’s a long time since I did one of these posts. ME crashes have rather got in the way of life lately. So, I thought the last Sunday of the Church’s year would be a good time to have a look at what people were singing. The feast of Christ the king has…

  • What did we sing…the weekend before the Queen’s funeral?

    I wondered last week what would happen to the music and liturgy around the country the day before the Queen’s funeral. Would there be more places saying requiems? Would people still sing the national Anthem? Would the death of the Queen be marked at all in the choice of music sung? This time I’ve again…

  • Music and the Queen’s funeral

    I spent most of Monday watching the television coverage of the Queen’s funeral. First, the service in Westminster Abbey, then the committal at Windsor. If the Queen chose the hymns, then all I can say is that she had excellent taste. ‘The day thou gavest’, ‘The Lord’s my shepherd‘ and ‘Love divine, all love’s excelling’…

  • God save the Queen

    I’m writing this less than an hour after Buckingham Palace announced that Queen Elizabeth died this afternoon. Although we’ve known for some time that her Majesty was failing in health, when it was announced at lunchtime that her health was causing concern it was still a shock. And even more so this evening when the…

  • O Bread of Heaven as a communion hymn

    I have heard some differences of opinion recently as to whether ‘O Bread of heaven’ is really suitable for use as a communion hymn. Those arguing against will say that it is more suitable for use during adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Those arguing for will say that it is a traditional Catholic hymn that…

  • Why did they sing that? 2

    Well I really enjoyed putting together the post analysing the music choices for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time (see the post here) so I thought I would do it again for the 18th Sunday. It was harder to do as there wasn’t really an obvious choice of hymns for this Sunday, unlike the previous…

  • Why do you have a liturgy planner for hymns if they are well down the list of priorities?

    As we know, the most important elements in a sung Mass are the parts of the Mass sung by priest and people together. The Gospel Acclamation and the Eucharistic Acclamations come first and if you don’t sing them then you should seriously question why you are singing anything. Next comes the Gloria and the Responsorial…

  • Why did they sing that?

    As you may know from other posts I have written, one of the things I do on a regular basis is look at the livestreams of Masses in the diocese to see what people are singing. I started this initially as a way of finding out if parishes were singing the Mass once congregational singing…

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