Category: For fun

  • What did we sing … during Advent 2022?

    Advent 2022, Year A. The start of a new year in the church and a time of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas. But was it marked clearly in the music that we sang? I’m going to look at each of the four Sundays of Advent as each of them has its own…

  • What did we sing … on the feast of Christ the King, Year C?

    My goodness, it’s a long time since I did one of these posts. ME crashes have rather got in the way of life lately. So, I thought the last Sunday of the Church’s year would be a good time to have a look at what people were singing. The feast of Christ the king has…

  • What’s that hymn? – 2

    I think it’s time for a bit of light relief, so here are lines from six well-known hymns. But can you say what the hymns are? If you need a clue, they were all sung over the summer in my diocese. Enjoy!

  • What did we sing…in the summer of 2022?

    I know I’m a little bit late actually posting this, but it sort of got overtaken by events in the UK. But I’d more or less written it so here goes… So, summer holidays and the choir is on holiday (maybe) so the singing stops. Right? Actually, no, not right. Singing, at least the singing…

  • What did we sing…the weekend before the Queen’s funeral?

    I wondered last week what would happen to the music and liturgy around the country the day before the Queen’s funeral. Would there be more places saying requiems? Would people still sing the national Anthem? Would the death of the Queen be marked at all in the choice of music sung? This time I’ve again…

  • What did we sing…the weekend the Queen died?

    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died on Thursday 8th September. The feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. In other words, Our Lady’s birthday. It was also my Grand-pa’s birthday and he was always very proud that he shared it with Mary. Every Tutor group that I had as a teacher was made aware of…

  • Faith of our fathers, mothers, brothers,…

    My goodness, that was a rabbit hole I fell down and no mistake! I’m referring here to the post I did on the hymn ‘O bread of heaven’. I was trying to find information about the tune that we use, including information about the composer H F Hemy. H F Hemy Born in 1818 and…

  • What did we sing…on the feast of the Assumption?

    In England and Wales this weekend we celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The actual feast day is the 15th August but, being a Monday, it is transferred to the Sunday. So green vestments gave place to white ones. White, very often, with blue decoration. But did it have an…

  • What did they sing…on the 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C?

    So having looked extensively at music sung within my own diocese, I am curious to know how this compares with what is being sung elsewhere in the country. I have chosen two parishes from each diocese in England. At some point I might look at Scotland and Wales as well. Where possible I have gone…

  • What did we sing…at Pentecost?

    I was in two minds about doing this one but a few of the parishes in the diocese seem to be thinking about not streaming any more as the obligation to attend Sunday Mass has been restored. So, in the interests of documenting what was sung in the diocese, I will continue for a little…

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