Category: For fun

  • What did we sing … on the Feast of the Epiphany 2024?

    Making the most of the feast of the Epiphany being celebrated once again on a Sunday, this should be an opportunity to sing carols that specifically reference the coming of the Magi. Of course, you can sing them at other times and lots of places do but I always associate ‘We three kings’ with Epiphany…

  • What did we sing … on the Feast of the Holy Family Year B 31st December 2023?

    The Sunday after Christmas, but it was also New Year’s Eve so there may have been a rearrangement of Masses in a few places. Because Christmas day was on the previous Monday it felt quite a long time in between, especially as the secular world had seemingly finished with Christmas. The challenge for musicians on…

  • What did we sing … during Advent 2023 Year B?

    How do you mark the season of Advent in your music? Do you use the same piece throughout the season? Do you repeat hymns? We find that we can’t fit in all the Advent hymns that we know, even doing some of them at the carol service, so it’s always a juggling act as to…

  • What did we sing … on the feast of Pentecost, 28th May 2023?

    Pentecost again and I was still at home recovering from an operation so I was unable to be at my own church though I did tune in online. But it also gave me the opportunity to join a couple more of live streams that I would not otherwise have seen. This time last year I…

  • What did we sing … during Eastertide 2023?

    Having looked at what was sung on individual Sunday’s during the Easter season of Year A, 2023 (see here and here) I’m now going to look at Eastertide as a whole to see what music is being used in our parishes. I won’t include Easter Sunday itself which I looked at here, but on Sundays…

  • What did we sing … the weekend of the King’s coronation?

    King Charles III was crowned on 6th May 2023 in Westminster Abbey. As with the Queen’s platinum jubilee, and later with her funeral, the Bishops had asked us to pray for the king and had sent out a set of prayers. They had also asked that a Mass be celebrated for him on the Friday.…

  • What did we sing … on the 4th Sunday of Easter Year A 2023?

    Good Shepherd Sunday again – the fourth Sunday of Easter, this time Year A. The gospel has Jesus telling his disciples, “I am the gate of the sheepfold”. And what did we sing? I think the message of Jesus as shepherd was there in our song then! Every one of the above, with the exception…

  • What did we sing … on Easter Sunday 2023?

    A year ago I looked at the hymns sung on Easter Sunday. The number of streams was much reduced because of vigil Masses being used for the Easter vigil. The same was true this year; in fact, there were only 16 streams across the diocese. As far as hymn choices go, there was very little…

  • What did we sing … during Lent Year A 2023?

    It’s almost a year since I did my first ‘What did we sing‘ post. I looked at the music sung during Lent of 2022 Year C. The most popular hymn was ‘God forgave my sin’. Would it be the same this year? Let’s take a look. So that’s the top 19 hymns for the season…

  • What did we sing … on the 4th Sunday of Lent Year A 2023?

    Time for another “What did we sing?” post I think. I’ll be doing a few of these over the next weeks as I think it is particularly interesting to compare what different places are singing on Sundays where there is a definite ‘theme’. (I don’t really like the idea of themes for Mass but there…

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