Why sing at Mass?

Of all the things the Catholic Church has to be concerned about, why is something like getting people to respond and sing at Mass and other sacraments so important?

Music is often an important part of special gatherings – a singsong in the pub, the national anthem, ‘You’ll never walk alone’ at a football match and of course ‘Happy Birthday to you’ at a birthday party.

The reasons why singing is so much a part of these occasions are the same reasons why singing must be integral to liturgy. The songs unite the people present, expressing what can’t be done by words alone. For the most part, the occasions are celebrations of one sort or another. Liturgy too is a celebration – a celebration of faith.

God gave us the gift of music as a way to express ourselves. By doing so, God gave us a sign of His love for us. In singing the Mass, therefore, we express our love for God.

One cannot find anything more religious and more joyful in sacred celebrations than a whole congregation expressing its faith and devotion in song

Musicam Sacram 16

The Second Vatican Council emphasised the importance of music in the liturgy and called for the ‘full, conscious and active participation’ of the faithful. The Council’s Constitution on Sacred Liturgy made particular mention of the role of music in fulfilling the purpose of liturgy, namely, the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful

(Constitution on Sacred Liturgy 112).

The Council’s Instruction on Music in the Liturgy, Musicam Sacram, mentions specific functions of music in the liturgy.

  • Our singing together joins us each other in mind and spirit.
  • Music allows us to express and share our faith.
  • Music allows the words of the liturgy to speak more fully.
  • Music allows hearts and minds to be more easily raised to heavenly things and the whole celebration more clearly prefigures the heavenly liturgy.
  • Music sets the tone for particular celebrations.

When we sing the Mass, we are joining in the song of all God’s people, the song that has been sung throughout all time. Our ancestors in faith — Moses, David, Paul — have, in words and music, taught us to proclaim glory to God, give thanks for His everlasting love, kindness and generosity and to ask for His mercy and forgiveness.

When the Church prays and sings, Christ is present.


Scripture tells us the song was sung by the angels before God’s throne. Every time we come to Mass we are reminded at the end of the preface to the Eucharistic Prayer that we join our voices with the Angels and Saints as we declare the glory of God.

And so, with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominions, and with all the hosts and powers of heaven, we sing the hymn of your glory

Roman Missal – Preface for Holy Thursday

With an invitation like that, how can we not sing?

You may find this video by an American priest interesting.

The importance of singing the Mass is further encouraged in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal paragraphs 39-41

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